Transformations in Matter and Energy Carbon TIME is an NSF-funded partnership led by Michigan State University
Human Energy Systems | Activity 5.2
Target Student Performance
Students explain the mechanisms through which human activities and technologies in four different areas (electricity, transportation, buildings, food) lead to CO2 emissions.
Resources You Provide
- (From previous lesson) 5.1 Lifestyle Cards (1-2 sets per class)
- (From previous lesson) 5.1 Extreme Makeover: Lifestyle Edition Worksheet (1 per student)
- (From previous lesson) 5.1 Secrets Revealed! Worksheet (1 per student)
Resources Provided
- 5.2 Carbon Emissions Jigsaw PPT
- 5.2 Group A Electricity Handout (1 per student in Group A)
- 5.2 Group A Electricity Worksheet (1 per student in Group A)
- 5.2 Group B Transportation Handout (1 per student in Group B)
- 5.2 Group B Transportation Worksheet (1 per student in Group B)
- 5.2 Group C Buildings Handout (1 per student in Group C)
- 5.2 Group C Buildings Worksheet (1 per student in Group C)
- 5.2 Group D Food Handout (1 per student in Group D)
- 5.2 Group D Food Worksheet (1 per student in Group D)
Recurring Resources
Print enough copies of the worksheets and handouts so each student has one that aligns with his/her group. Print the Jigsaw Cards. You will need to cut these apart before class. You may want to laminate them first in order to make them last for longer. See instructions on the first slide of the cards for how to prepare cards for classes of different sizes.
If you took down the stations from Activity 5.1, re-set up each of the stations. That is, set up one transportation station with all four transportation cards, one food station with all four food cards, etc.
Circulate the room during both home and expert group discussions to listen to the group conversations. Note if students are drawing on the main points from the handouts or if they have questions.
Encourage students to practice literacy and reading skills during their home groups by reading aloud to each other.