Human Energy Systems | Activity 6.3


1. Describe the unit posttest.

Explain the purpose of the unit posttest to students:

  • It will help you as a teacher understand how students think about why and how carbon dioxide levels are increasing in the atmosphere.
  • It will help them think about what they learned and how their ideas changed over time.


Students should be able to answer the questions correctly, so it is reasonable to grade them at this point. Use 6.3 Grading the Human Energy Systems Unit Posttest to check student answers. If you administer the test online, you will receive an analysis of your students’ responses that includes (a) the responses themselves, (b) grading of true-false and multiple-choice responses, and (c) estimates of the learning progression levels of your students.

  • Read the questions aloud to the class. Reframe or reword questions for clarity.
  • Provide sentence stems for written responses.
  • Provide visual aids if needed.
Extending the Learning