Transformations in Matter and Energy Carbon TIME is an NSF-funded partnership led by Michigan State University
Human Energy Systems | Activity 1.3
Target Student Performance
Students use data on Arctic sea ice to construct graphs showing patterns in changing coverage over time.
Resources You Provide
- pencil (1 per student)
Resources Provided
- 1.3 Graphing Arctic Sea Ice PPT
- 1.3 Graphing Arctic Sea Ice Worksheet
- 1.3 Grading the Graphing Arctic Sea Ice Worksheet
- Website to retrieve data:
Print one copy of the 1.3 Graphing Arctic Sea Ice Worksheet for each student. Prepare a computer and projector to display the PPT. If you plan on having students retrieve data themselves, prepare a computer with an Internet connection for each student or pair of students.
Look at students’ arctic sea ice graphs before the next activity. Note the axis titles chosen by the students and use this to gauge how well they understand the information in the graph. Use the 1.3 Grading the Graphing Arctic Sea Ice Worksheet for a model version of the graph. If students had trouble constructing the graph you may need to revisit this activity before moving on.
Have students practice inputting one data point into the graph as a group and let them ask clarifying questions before completing the entire graph.