Anderson, C. W. (2017, June). The Carbon TIME Project: Research-based curriculum development to enact NGSS. Presented to the Workshop: Instructional Materials for the Next Generation Science Standards, sponsored by the National Research Council, Washington, DC. (slides) (notes and comments)
Walus, A. M., Scott, E. E., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Studying how students connect macro-scale explanations of photosynthesis with global processes. Poster presented at the Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum.
Johnson, W. R., & Welch, M. (2017, March). Teaching photosynthesis and cellular respiration three-dimensionally using the free Carbon TIME curriculum. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, Los Angeles.
Miller, H. K., Johnson, W. R., & Anderson C. W. (2017, April). Designing a three-dimensional curriculum for climate change informed by learning progression research. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Johnson, W. R., & Anderson C. W. (2017, April). Unpacking the NGSS climate change performance expectations. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Introduction to the poster session: Supporting three-dimensional science teaching and learning with a comprehensive learning progression-based system. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Scott, E., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). The relationship between students’ explanations and their interpretation of inquiry investigations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Parker, J. M., Covitt, B. A., Kohn, C., Lee, M., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Describing students’ understanding of a model of the global carbon cycle. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Johnson, W. R, Miller, H. K., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Curiosity and Principles in Carbon TIME classrooms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Newell, J., Welch, M., Haverly, C., Gonzalez, M., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Routines of interaction around Carbon TIME tools that enhance student learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Marshall, S. & Penuel, W. R. (2017, April). The influence of social networks and context on teacher agency. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
de los Santos, E. X., & Anderson, C. W. (2017, April). Teachers’ sensemaking about innovative curriculum materials. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.
Lin Q., Penuel, W. R., and Frank, K. A. (2017, April). Using survey data to measure teaching practices and network effects in Carbon TIME. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio.