Transformations in Matter and Energy Carbon TIME is an NSF-funded partnership led by Michigan State University
Activity 3.1 - Predictions about Soda Water Fizzing (20 min)
Target Performance
Students develop hypotheses about how matter moves and changes when soda water loses its fizz and make predictions about how they can use their investigation tools—digital balances and BTB—to detect movements and changes in matter.
Resources You Provide
- Petri dish, plastic (1 per class)
- Soda water (1 cup per class)
Resources Provided
- 3.1 Predictions about Soda Water Fizzing PPT
- 3.1 Predictions and Planning Tool for Soda Water Fizzing (1 per student)
- 3.1 Assessing the Predictions and Planning Tool for Soda Water Fizzing
Print one copy of 3.1 Predictions and Planning Tool for Soda Water Fizzing for each student. Prepare a computer and projector to display the PPT.
The Matter Movement Question and Matter Change Question will be new to students, and Level 2 students will find the questions themselves hard to understand. Note whether students use the “Facts about atoms and molecules” that they studied in Lesson 2 as they try to answer the Matter Movement and Matter Change questions.
- Rules to follow: The most important rule (and the first Fact about Atoms) is: Atoms last forever. Do they follow that rule when they try to answer the questions?
- Evidence to look for: Students will address this column in more depth when they do the investigation. One thing to note for now: When students see gas bubbles leaving the soda water, do they cite that as evidence that atoms are leaving the soda water? Do they suggest ideas about what gas might be in the bubbles? Note whether students connect bubbles leaving soda water with atoms leaving soda water.