Transformations in Matter and Energy Carbon TIME is an NSF-funded partnership led by Michigan State University
Pre-Lesson Activity 0.1: Investigation Set Up
Target Student Performance
Students prepare Petri dishes with bread and water, record initial masses, and let bread mold for 7 days. After about a week, the mold should have grown enough to yield robust data for the investigation in Lesson 3.
Resources You Provide
- Bread slices (4 per group of students)
- Digital Balance
- Labels for Petri dishes
- Permanent marker (1 per group of 4 students)
- Petri dishes with 4 lids (4 per group of students)
- Roll of tape (1 per group or class)
- Spray bottle with water for misting the bread (1 per class or group or class)
Resources Provided
- Pre 0.1 Bread Mold Investigation Set Up Worksheet (1 per student)
Recurring Resources
Prepare the bread, spray bottles, Petri dishes, labels, digital balances, and markers. Print one copy of Pre 0.1 Bread Mold Investigation Worksheet for each student. Print one copy of the Bread Mold Class Results 11 x 17 Poster, or prepare a computer and projector to display Bread Mold Class Results Spreadsheet.
Use the Bread Mold Class Results 11 x 17 Poster or the Bread Mold Class Results Spreadsheet to evaluate students’ success at measuring mass changes in their bread and Petri dishes. Make sure that students have recorded the weight of their individual Petri dishes and bread as well as their group’s Petri dishes and bread on their worksheet before moving on.