Differentiation Refer back to Systems & Scale Predictions and Planning Tool as a model Strategic grouping with strong speakers Provide sentence stems for discussion and filling in the predictions tool Read Three Questions Handout as a group by referring back to Systems & Scale Allow students personal devices to watch the Nina and Daryl video. Allow for slowdown and playback Give examples of answers to the Three Questions and possibly post these as sentence stems for students Keep student predictions in a safe place (notebook or class file) Modifications Extending the Learning Students can discuss other situations with mass discrepancies. When all animals eat, does the food source lose mass and the animal increases mass? What happens to the mass that isn’t accounted for? Can you think of an example of mass not changing? Students may also have suggestions for refining plans for the investigation. For example, control conditions that have mealworms without a potato and a potato without mealworms can help them sort out cause and effect in the results of the investigation: How much mass does the potato lose from evaporation? Do mealworms produce CO2 when they have no food to eat? What happens to their mass when they aren’t eating?